Preliminary program

V Congress of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

hotel Katarino

May, 21-23, 2021

Preliminary program


Friday 21/05/2021

11.00-19.00 Registration and accomodation

13.30-15.30 “Hands on” course of specialised prenatal ehography

15.30-16.00 Coffee brake

16.00-18.30Session I – Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

  • Endocrinology and dietology during pregnancy. Hypertensive disoders – therapy. Rh isoimunisation. Fetal and neonatal consequences. Clinical management. Prevention – is it necessary?
  • Reccurent missed miscarages. Genetic conditions and predispositions. Congenital thrombophilia
  • Ultrasound during labor

20.00 ”Wellcome” Dinner

Saterday 22/05/2021 г.

08.00-12.00 Registration and accomodation

Official opening

09.00-11.00 Session II – Specialized ultrasound evaluation during pregnancy

  • First trimester US screening programs
    Screening for aneuploidies and fetal defects.
    Screening for PE/IUGR
    Dating pregnancy in the First trimester
    Placenta praevia screening clinical menagement

  • Second trimester US screening programs
    Screening for fetal stuctural defects
    Screening for premature delivery
    Screening for placental imparement – What is new?
    Specialiced echography of fetal brain. (Fetal brain imaging)
    Placental complications according the localisation.
    Fetal MRI

  • Cell free DNA screening
  • Invasive procedures – results

11:00–11:30 Coffee brake

11.30-12.30Lecture Prof. K.Nikolaides

12.30-13.30 Implementation of the screening programs in Bulgaria. Our Results.

13:30-15:00 Lunch break

15.00-16.30 Session III – Fetal therapy, intrauterine surgery. Neonatology. Pediatric and neonatal surgery and cardiosurgery.

16.30-17.00 Coffee brake

17.00-18.00Session IV – Pregnancy and Covid

20.00-23.00 Official dinner

Sunday 23/05/2021

9:30-11:00 Session V – Multiple pregnancy

Fetal growth in mutiple pregnancy .

Screening for aneuploidies in mutiple pregnancy – What is important?

Invasive diagnistics and embrioreductions– What are the indications?

Screening for PE/IUGR in mutiple pregnancy

Fetal therapy.

11:00-11:30 Coffee brake

11:30-13:00 Presentation and discussion of chalenging cases. Quiz test

13:00 Closing the V Congress of Maternal-Fetal Medicine